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The Farm

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Wedekind Farms is located in Chesterfield, South Carolina. Starting in 2020, we decided to start raising our own grass fed cows for a healthy alternative to beef that is found in most grocery stores. We are committed to raising our cows with no steroids or hormones. They are free to graze on natural pastures and never confined feeding operations (CAFO).


Wagyu cattle were originally bred in Japan for their physical endurance and used as draft animals. This made them predisposed to having a higher fat content, creating the "marbling" seen on our premium cuts of beef and where the superior flavor comes from.


Wagyu fat content consists of mono-saturated fat, which is considered healthy fat that your body uses for energy and cell growth. This also means Wagyu beef has the lowest cholesterol level of all meats, including fish and chicken.  


Shop now our premium cuts of Purebred Wagyu beef.  Anything not in stock, you can use our contact page to make a request and we will do our best to complete your order.

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